uottawa coop sequence. Contact us. uottawa coop sequence

 Contact usuottawa coop sequence uOttawa

Build your professional skills and increase your knowledge. The course sequence you need to follow is that of the year you first joined your program. units and resources at uOttawa. More administration and services. In the occurrence of scheduling conflicts or changes in your work term sequence, please contact an Academic Specialist at the Telfer School of Management to plan a personalized course sequence (undergraduate@telfer. Academic year. It currently has 21 full-time regular faculty members, 3 full-time teaching professors, 4 emeritus professors and 15 adjunct professors, who are actively pursuing research in cutting edge laboratories and supervising. Hey! Congrats on the acceptance, and I hope you choose uOttawa! Firs things first, the more well used subreddit for the university can be found over at r/GeeGees, so you may get more responses over there. I know this was the case for the PHY13X1 course I took this Fall but those descriptions are actually. The Human Animal — BIO1300. 200 Lees Avenue, room 513. and be registered in your mandatory second-year fall and winter courses in order to follow the approved work-study sequence; CO-OP programs have limited enrolment. ca). 5. To keep your reserved placement in CO-OP, you must obtain a cumulative grade point average of at least 8. To keep your reserved placement in CO-OP, you must obtain a cumulative grade point average of at least 8. Courses 2020 Course Sequence 2020 Course Sequence Co-op 2023 Course Sequence 2023 Course sequence Co-op COOP The option in Business Technology Management is a bridge between business and information technology (IT) and provides you with an understanding of the use of IT to support, streamline, and improve organizational (business, government. FALL. concentrated field and lab. Pulse sequences. In the occurrence of scheduling conflicts or changes in your work term sequence, please book an appointment with an Academic Specialist at the Telfer School of Management (Telephone: 613-562-5805). From recruiting and selecting employees, to compensating,. When program requirements are modified, faculties must ensure that the changes involved do not penalize students already enrolled in the programs in question. You must have an admission average of 75% (B+) or higher. 3 optional course units in Communication (CMN) at the 3000 or 4000 level2. K1N 6N5. If you lookup software engineering uottawa course sequence for 2020-2021, it says that those who did 4u can instead take 1311 instead of 1301. Click on the title link Rapport de stage coop / CO-OP Work term Report in the middle of the page. BIO 3102 Molecular Evolution 3 Units BIO 3119 Population Genetics 3 Units BPS 3101 Genomics 3 Units BPS 4101 Human Genome Structure and Function 3 UnitsApply to CO-OP after you've started your studies at uOttawa. Discover all the good reasons to choose uOttawa. From programs made for you to exceptional academic support, co-op opportunities and more. uOttawa. The option in Finance equips you with the necessary tools for a career in corporate finance or investments. The goal is to produce graduates who, after further specialization, will be ready to work in an interdisciplinary. At the University of Ottawa's School of Political Studies, you build your knowledge in four subfields of political science: political thought, Canadian and Quebec politics, comparative politics, and international relations and global politics. The first two years provide a background in anatomy and psychology in addition to more in-depth knowledge in basic sciences like biology, biochemistry, chemistry and mathematics. 120 Units. 132 Units. Discover the many internal services, units and resources at uOttawa. Steps to follow in order to apply from the University via uoZone: UoZone ; From the Applications menu, click on CO-OP NavigatorDiscover all the good reasons to choose uOttawa. More administration and services Financial Resources keyboard_arrow_right;. Français. They help you plan your course schedule. Biomedical Science is an interdisciplinary program that focuses on the fundamentals of human structure and function, as well as those of other animals. More administration and services. Discover all the good reasons to choose uOttawa. Adjustments to these suggested course sequences might be required based on course scheduling or if you have been admitted with advanced standing. 6 optional course units in physics (PHY) at the 4000 or 5000 level. Biochem/chemE is incredibly broad in scope, without sacrificing depth of content. uOttawa CO-OP french uOttawa CO-OP english. 1. Options de recherche Tout le site Bibliothèque. Enquiries should be directed to that office. Study-2. 3-5 work terms required for CO-OP designation at the undergraduate level and 2 at the masters level. )The Department of Civil Engineering accepts around 150 new undergraduate students annually, and has over 300 graduate students. More administration and services Financial Resources. All work-term reports must have proper punctuation, spelling, capitalization, italics, abbreviations, headings, quotations, numbers, tables and figures. “In order to stay relevant, you have to have a deep understanding of the theory behind algorithms; this is precisely the aim of our data science program. 0 grade point average; obtain a passing grade for each work term. Salary estimates north_east (entry level): $47,251 - $63,747. If you have not followed this course sequence, you may not be able to finish within the suggested timeframe. not guarantee admission to Coop, nor does it guarantee availability in courses. The connection between theory and research enables students to understand a range of contemporary social issues, such as poverty, ethnic relations, deviance, gender relations, international development, power, and technology. 15 Units. One of only three programs in Canada offering students intensive training in a second and third language. Courses 2020 Course Sequence 2020 Course Sequence Co-op 2023 Course Sequence 2023 Course sequence Co-op COOP. “Biotechnology. You must have an average of 75% (B+) or higher to be admitted. In the occurrence of scheduling conflicts or changes in your work term sequence, please book an appointment with an Academic Specialist at the Telfer School of Management (Telephone: 613-562-5805). To be admitted to the CO-OP option, you must: Be enrolled as a full-time student in the master of engineering in mechanical engineering (MEng); Have a cumulative grade point average of 7. The Department of Economics offers a Master of arts and a PhD in Economics. More administration and services. Chemistry 4U or CHM 1301 at uOttawa is a prerequisite to CHM 1321. 9 elective course units. From programs made for you to exceptional academic support, co-op opportunities and more. Apply to CO-OP after you've started your studies at uOttawa. 6 course units from: 6 Units ADM 3349 Auditing Theory ADM 3350 Corporate Finance ADM 3360 Business Law129 Units. SCI 1101 Science in Society (3 units) This course critically examines the role of science and scientists in society and the responsibility of citizens having to deal with complex socio-economic, environmental, political and ethical issues raised by advances in science and technology. Discover the many internal services, units and resources at uOttawa. Students must consult telfer. The average mark required to be eligible for direct admission into CO-OP is. Yes. BCH 4040 is highly recommended. Course sequence - Data science (2023-2024) Course sequence - Data science (2023-2024) Year. It is recommended to choose humanities and social. 3. MANDATORY COURSE SEQUENCE BCom option in Management Mandatory course sequence to follow in order to complete the program in four years. I might be a little bit biased though because honestly I find Ottawa really depressing. 0 or 75%; Begin the program in the Fall term;The co-op difference. If you have not followed this course sequence, you may not be able to finish within the suggested timeframe. ca TABLE OF CONTENTS 02 Study in the National Capital Region 03 Why choose uOttawa? 04 Facilities just for you! 06 Salaries and employment 07 Alumni 08 Our CO-OP program 10 International opportunities 11 Scholarships 12 CEED 14 Clubs and competitive teams 16 Our programs 18 CSI – Computer Science 19 SDS – Data Science. Co-op Course Sequence Option Marketing B. Total: 120 Units. In the occurrence of scheduling conflicts or changes in your work term sequence, please contact an Academic Specialist at the Telfer School of Management to plan a personalized course sequence (undergraduate@telfer. Introduction to Mineralogy. completed all course requirements up to and including the end of third year in order to follow the approved work-study sequence; CO. Discover the many internal services, units and resources at uOttawa. Total: 153 Units. Discover the many internal services, units and resources at uOttawa. 5 or greater calculated from the two most recent years of full-time study in the Honours in Biochemistry program (minimum of 54 units including all compulsory 3000 level courses) is required. It currently has 21 full-time regular faculty members, 3 full-time teaching professors, 4 emeritus professors and 15 adjunct professors, who are actively pursuing research in cutting edge laboratories and supervising. 0 and meet the admission requirements of your chosen CO-OP program until you are formally admitted into the Program (September 30 or February 1 of your second year of studies, depending on the program). Winter. Technology, Society and Environment Since 1850. o You cannot study part-time When applying for regular admission to the University, you can also apply for direct admission to any CO-OP program except Biomedical Science, Translation and graduate-level programs. ENG 1112 | Technical Report Writing. The Faculty of Engineering has embraced this mindset and has become one of the strongest places in Canada in which to conduct research in engineering. You must have an admission average of 75% (B+) or higher. GNG 4930. ca). BIO3310. In the occurrence of scheduling conflicts or changes in your work term sequence, please book an appointment with an Academic Specialist at the Telfer School of Management (Telephone: 613-562-5805). In the first option, the student will register to their first CO-OP placement in the spring/summer session of their first year and their second placement in the winter of their second year of the program. and be registered in your mandatory second-year fall and winter courses in order to follow the approved work-study sequence; CO-OP programs have limited enrolment. In the occurrence of scheduling conflicts or changes in your work term sequence, please contact an Academic Specialist at the Telfer School of Management to plan a personalized course sequence (undergraduate@telfer. and be registered in your mandatory second-year fall and winter courses in order to follow the approved work-study sequence; CO-OP programs have limited enrolment. and be registered in your mandatory second-year fall and winter courses in order to follow the approved work-study sequence; CO-OP programs have limited enrolment. In the occurrence of scheduling conflicts or changes in your work term sequence, please book an appointment with an Academic Counsellor at the Telfer School of Management (Telephone: 613-562-5805/E-mail: undergraduate@telfer. won CO-OP employer of the year award from a CS student:. Students must consult telfer. HIS 2129. In the occurrence of scheduling conflicts or changes in your work term sequence, please book an appointment with an Academic Counsellor at the Telfer School of Management (Telephone: 613-562-5805/E-mail: undergraduate@telfer. Yes. 3 Units. ca Practice Interview Skills • Take this class seriously • Workshops on CO-OP. 1. Analyzing how information is gathered, produced and distributed today helps us understand the communication processes that drive a variety of settings: social, cultural, political, organizational, economic and legal. ca). 1. ** Choose at least twelve units among ADM 3317, ADM 3358, ADM 4319, ADM 4328, and ADM 4338, one third- language course other than French or English. 1. “What makes this program special is the community of students around it. Please consult the requirements for the BASc in Mechanical Engineering program. 3 Units. Send Page to Printer. Civil engineers design the infrastructure on which their communities depend, such as buildings and their foundations, bridges, canals, dams, transportation facilities, municipal sewer and water networks, and wastewater and solid waste treatment systems. 2. More administration and services Financial Resources keyboard_arrow_right;. The University of Ottawa CO-OP program has been running for over 30 years, and is now the second-largest university program of its kind in Ontario, and the fifth-largest in Canada. PHY4382. The Marketing option provides you with the skills and tools needed to understand how businesses market products and services to their respective target markets. The Honours Bachelor of Health Sciences program is defined by its integrative approach for studying health. Study. 2. You have mandatory CO-OP in Software Engineering, which means you need to follow your course sequence very closely to ensure you can satisfy the requirements for CO-OP. units and resources at uOttawa. Course sequences show you which courses you should take for your particular program and in which term you should take them. uOttawa. Français. The purpose of the Biomedical Mechanical Engineering program is to graduate engineers proficient in the areas of biomedical science related to mechanical engineering. To remain enrolled in the CO-OP option, students must meet the following requirements: Be enrolled as a full-time student in the master of engineering in electrical. ) Get ready to enrol in your courses! Select the student category that best describes you and follow the steps to complete your course enrolment. 8%. Study Resources. 4. More administration and services. 6 optional course units in psychology at the 3000- or 4000-level. (30 course units) PSY 42761 (Honours Thesis) or 3 optional 4000-level PSY optional course units. 3 optional course units in political science (POL) 1. APA 4200 Research Project (6 units) 5 OR APA 4211 Internship / Clinical Experience (6 units) 5,6,7. Total: 162 Units. Course Component: Lecture. The following session: Complete the student. ; uOttawa elective refers to any course offered at the. uOttawa. SPAN. They help you plan your. BIO3124. You must email your resume (as a pdf file) to the Associate Dean, Co-op. Computer science combines the study of computation and information processing fundamentals with their application in the world around us. Types of employers If you’re admitted into the CO-OP Program, you must follow specific course and work term sequences and remain enrolled full time in the courses related to your program during the entire sequence. this course sequence does not guarantee admission to Coop, nor does it guarantee availability in courses. A minimum CGPA of 6. In the occurrence of scheduling conflicts or changes in your work term sequence, please contact an Academic Specialist at the Telfer School of Management to plan a personalized course sequence (undergraduate@telfer. More administration and services Financial Resources keyboard_arrow_right;. The honours curriculum comprises advanced topics in databases. ECO41863. / The course is intended only for those students seeking a B. If you have not followed this course sequence, you may not be able to finish within the suggested. CO-OP Option. One of only three programs in Canada offering students intensive training in a second and third language. 8. Meeting the admission criteria. For example, if you were admitted into your program in the fall of 2021, you must follow the course sequence of 2021-2022. 6 optional course units in psychology (PSY) at the 3000- or 4000-level. Students have to establish performance and learning objectives. Total: 120 Units. uottawa. ECO41863. Meeting the admission [email protected]%. Discover the many internal services, units and resources at uOttawa. APA 2114 Biomechanical Analysis of Human Movement. This program is offered in English and in French. not guarantee admission to Coop, nor does it guarantee availability in courses. More administration and services Financial Resources keyboard_arrow_right;. Fall. 3 Units. Discover the many internal services, units and resources at uOttawa. The course SCI 3101 is considered a science optional course. Computer science combines the study of computation and information processing fundamentals with their application in the world around us. You get to explore cells, biochemical reactions, protein structure, molecular and physical chemistry/quantum mechanics, advanced lab techniques, multivariable calculus, heat flow, fluid mechanics, reactor and process design, and so much more. Computer scientists build fast, reliable, scalable and secure software systems to organize and analyze information. Following your work term: Complete the student evaluation of the work term in the COOP Navigator. The Marketing option provides you with the skills and tools needed to understand how businesses market products and services to their respective target markets. Any work-term report that does not meet minimum standards for spelling, grammar, and format of presentation will automatically receive a failing grade. The work-term report is an important part of quality co-operative education programs. Students may take this course twice. 3 course units in computer science (CSI), software engineering (SEG), or computer engineering (CEG) at the 3000 or 4000 level. Explore why choose uOttawa Programs and courses. not guarantee admission to Coop, nor does it guarantee availability in courses. Meeting the admission criteria. Dropping a course could have an impact on the sequence of courses and placements that you must follow as a CO-OP student, as well as on your student status (from full time to part time). GEO 2163. Yes. 3 optional course units in physics (PHY) at the 4000 or 5000 level ( May be taken in 3rd year if prerequisites satisfied. To be admitted to the co-op option, you must: • Be enrolled as a full-time student in the master’s in computer science; • Have a cumulative grade point average of 7. More administration and services. not guarantee admission to Coop, nor does it guarantee availability in courses. 0, your application will be considered against all the other applicants. Meeting the admission. This course has variable topics. 5 or greater calculated from the two most recent years of full-time study in the Honours in Biochemistry program (minimum of 54 units including all compulsory 3000 level courses) is required. This course is equivalent to CHEM 5002 at. This is a broad-based area of engineering, and graduates. " Nevertheless, it is important to stretch ourselves, try new things, and feel rewarded by our personal achievements. 0 Telfer CO-OP Final Report Performance Evaluation. 1. You'll make your own schedule. The change I would like is to delay the gap year to in the middle of my fourth year to allow me to get more knowledge before committing to most of my work terms. I enjoyed my term and learned a lot from it, and wrote what was, I think, a very good work-term report, already completed. More administration and services Financial Resources keyboard_arrow_right;. 80% or higher for students admitted in first year. With this stress off my back, I sent my laptop to be repaired, finally. A world of opportunities. ANP 1105 Human Anatomy and Physiology I 1. usually you have 2 or 3 classes a day. Study--coop. The honours curriculum comprises advanced topics in databases. Meeting the admission criteria does not guarantee you a place. Requirements for this program have been modified. Meeting the admission criteria. 1. I like the idea of one CO-OP term, or maybe two- I get a bit of experience, a fun job placement to add to my resume, and I make a bit of money. 11. 1. GEO43543. • To be admitted to the co-op option, you must: • be enrolled as a full-time student in the Master of Science Physics, Applied Physics Option;PAP 3310 (compulsory course) PAP 3370 (compulsory course) 6 optional course units in public administration (PAP) 3 elective course units. Chemical engineering graduates use a series of operations to sustainably process raw natural materials into finished products. Please note: Some courses are not offered every term. ca). Mostly because entering the workforce straight after graduating isn't my plan- graduate school is, and the four CO-OP sequences set back graduation two whole terms. (PPT) Course Component: Lecture. Mandatory course sequence to follow in order to complete the program in four years. 0 and meet the admission requirements of your chosen CO-OP program until you are formally admitted into the Program (September 30 or February 1 of your second year of studies, depending on the program). To keep your reserved placement in CO-OP, you must obtain a cumulative grade point average of at least 8. Since you work on campus, you minimize travel time to and from class and benefit from a flexible schedule that allows you to really prioritize your studies. Check your course sequence to understand which courses you must take and their prerequisites. More administration and services Financial Resources keyboard_arrow_right;. This interdisciplinary program, offered through the Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences, combines basic studies from areas such as molecular biology, biochemistry, pharmacology and organic chemistry and adds new courses designed especially for biopharmaceutical science (BPS) students. Apply to CO-OP after you've started your studies at uOttawa. 6%. The latter package of rock represents the classic "Snowball Earth" sequence, including the ca. This course runs from September to April. ca). Program Requirements. Study Resources. To keep your reserved placement in CO-OP, you must obtain a cumulative grade point average of at least 8. Provide enough information so that the CO-OP. 2. Discover all the good reasons to choose uOttawa. Economics examines how individuals and society make choices in a world where resources are limited. To keep your reserved placement in CO-OP, you must obtain a cumulative grade point average of at least 8. (PPT) Course Component: Lecture. The Honours BCom (option in Finance) is available in CO-OP and French immersion. o You cannot fast-track the CO-OP process (students must complete a minimum of 12 credits per study term, including the last term ). 0 and meet the admission requirements of your chosen CO-OP program until you are formally admitted into the Program (September 30 or February 1 of your second year of studies, depending on the program). Regarding your post-grad work permit (PGWP), unless you take an off-term or part-time non-coop term, it won't affect your PGWP eligibility. 6 optional course units in physics (PHY) at the 4000 or 5000 level. Such a record. 75 Laurier Ave. Notes:CO-OP is a Work Integrated Learning Model. More administration and services Financial Resources keyboard_arrow_right;. Discover the many internal services, units and resources at uOttawa. Job placement rates north_east : Employment rate 2 years after graduation: 89. Salaries range from $500 to $750 per. engineering. 3 course units of computing technical electives chosen from computer science (CSI), electrical engineering (ELG) or software engineering (SEG) courses at the 3000 or 4000 level. Course enrolment is possible via uoCampus accessible through the uoZone portal (Some courses are not offered every term; students must consult The biotechnology program covers the areas of biology, chemistry, mathematics and more. In the occurrence of scheduling conflicts or changes in your work term sequence, please contact an Academic Specialist at the Telfer School of Management to plan a personalized course sequence ([email protected]. 1. CHG1125 must be taken in first or second year; first year is recommended. The CO-OP Office will register you in your placement course once you’re matched with an employer. Learn the basic structure of each program, course prerequisites and much more. In the occurrence of scheduling conflicts or changes in your work term sequence, please contact an Academic Specialist at the Telfer School of Management to plan a personalized course sequence (undergraduate@telfer. Learn about the biology of the human species and our place within the animal kingdom. uOttawa. The Department of Economics offers a Master of arts and a PhD in Economics. More administration and services Financial Resources keyboard_arrow_right;. Adjustments to this suggested course sequence might be required based on course scheduling or if you have been admitted with advanced standing. From programs made for you to exceptional academic support, co-op opportunities and more. For more information, please contact enrolment support directly by calling 613-562-5252 or 1-877-562-5250 or by email at mentors@uOttawa. In the occurrence of scheduling conflicts or changes in your work term sequence, please contact an Academic Specialist at the Telfer School of Management to plan a personalized course sequence (undergraduate@telfer. The goal is to prepare students. Explore why choose uOttawa. PSY 5104 Integration Seminar in Program Evaluation (3 units) Integration of program evaluation practice, research and theory leading to a written report related to advances in program evaluation practice and theory. Discover the many internal services, units and resources at uOttawa. . This is a broad-based area of engineering, and graduates. Cours contingenté. Small-signal, large-signal, and noise models for CAD. In the occurrence of scheduling conflicts or changes in your work term sequence, please contact an Academic Specialist at the Telfer School of Management to plan a personalized course sequence ([email protected] (B+ or 75%); Obtain a satisfactory grade (P) for each CO-OP work term: CGI 6001, CGI 6002. Admission is selective, with the assessment of applicants taking the form of a competition based on academic performance, on the likelihood of placement and on one's chances of completing the required number of work terms in the alternating work/study term sequence. and be registered in your mandatory second-year fall and winter courses in order to follow the approved work-study sequence; CO-OP programs have limited enrolment. For. Salary and placement rate. Late reports will not be accepted. 3 optional course units in Communication (CMN) at the 4000 level. The uOttawa cs program has a tone of coop positions available. and be registered in your mandatory second-year fall and winter courses in order to follow the approved work-study sequence; CO-OP programs have limited enrolment. However, you must have the minimum average required in order to be officially accepted into the program. The following webpage provides a list of the commonly asked questions from AFM, Biotech/CPA, Math/CPA, and SFM students about co-op, study stream changes, and course enrollment. 2. 2. Course sequences are only guidelines; there is more than one possible course sequence for any given program. 0 or 75%; Begin the program in the Fall term;The co-op difference. The Faculty of Social Sciences offers a variety of programs of study adapted to the realities of today's world, both in terms of the contemporary social issues studied and how they are matched to the job market. “Biotechnology opens doors in many fields as students have the abilities to look at problems through two lenses; thus, creating a unique perspective. and be registered in your mandatory second-year fall and winter courses in order to follow the approved work-study sequence; CO-OP programs have limited enrolment. Explore why choose uOttawa. The legislated Scope of Practice for nurses from the College of Nurses of Ontario is: The practice of nursing is the promotion of. More administration and services Financial Resources. 4th year. In the occurrence of scheduling conflicts or changes in your work term sequence, please contact an Academic Specialist at the Telfer School of Management to plan a personalized course sequence (undergraduate@telfer. The hardest part about finding CS internships is the first one, after that co op really doesn’t help with anything (unless you go to Waterloo). To be admitted to the CO-OP option, you must: Be enrolled as a full-time student in the master of engineering in mechanical engineering (MEng); Have a cumulative grade point average of 7. To keep your reserved placement in CO-OP, you must obtain a cumulative grade point average of at least 8. Salary estimates north_east (entry level): $51,097 - $67,145. This course has variable topics. You will acquire foundational knowledge about criminology and the workings of the Criminal Justice System, along with in-depth knowledge in carceral. To keep your reserved placement in CO-OP, you must obtain a cumulative grade point average of at least 8. Describe the results obtained. To keep your reserved placement in CO-OP, you must obtain a cumulative grade point average of at least 8. Summer session typically starts May 1 st. CO-OP can be added to any of the. Use the subject "Transfer Application (ID)", using your student ID number in brackets. 3 course units in computer science (CSI), software engineering (SEG) or computer engineering (CEG) at the 2000, 3000 or 4000 level. To remain enrolled in the co-op option, students must: maintain full-time status; maintain a 7. Explore why choose uOttawa Programs and courses. Download Page (PDF) The PDF will include all information unique to this page. ca). Job placement rates north_east: Employment rate 2 years after graduation: 89. 3 optional course units in political science (POL) at the 4000-level 1. 2023-2024. Co-op at the faculty. Following this course sequence does not guarantee admission to Coop, nor does it guarantee availability in courses. Com. To keep your reserved placement in CO-OP, you must obtain a cumulative grade point average of at least 8. The Work-Study Program is a great way to combine work and a university education: you work part time during the school year and full time over the summer. this course sequence does not guarantee admission to Coop, nor does it guarantee availability in courses. From programs made for you to exceptional academic support, co-op opportunities and more. APA 2140 Introduction to Sport and Exercise Psychology. Technology Entrepreneurship for Engineers and Computer Scientists. Chemical engineering is at the intersection of many disciplines, linking knowledge of basic and applied sciences, economics, and health and safety. Print this page. Academic year. 5 or greater or a GPA of 6. 3 course units from: PSY 3103, PSY 3108, PSY 3377. you should be able to find a coop sequence online on the uottawa siteRemember that the course sequences don’t take into account your advanced standing or exemptions, which vary from student to student. They won't let you change it up otherwise without a valid (medical or similar) reasoning. Discover our areas of research. GEG41203. PHI 1370 Philosophical Issues in Health Care 1. The course sequence you need to follow is that of the year you first joined your program. 75 Laurier Ave. 9 course units (a combination of required courses from the 2nd discipline and/or elective courses) 3. This course replaces GNG 1106 in the BASc in Electrical Engineering, for the purpose of the double degree. GNG 4930. MANDATORY COURSE SEQUENCE 2022 Version BCom option in Marketing Mandatory course sequence to follow in order to complete the program in four years. ca Students/BCom/Academic Regulations to familiarize themselves with all University of. 80% or higher for students admitted in first year. and be registered in your mandatory second-year fall and winter courses in order to follow the approved work-study sequence; CO-OP programs have limited enrolment. The following session: Complete the student evaluation of the work term in the COOP Navigator. For more information, contact the CO-OP office. In the occurrence of scheduling conflicts or changes in your work term sequence, please book an appointment with an Academic Counsellor at the Telfer School of Management (Telephone: 613-562-5805). This program is offered in English and in French. 3 optional course units offered by the Faculty of Science, including SCI3101. Elective 1,2. Contact us. 3. It focuses on the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services.